Knowing jesus

Did you know that Jesus wants to have a personal relationship with you? You may have questions about who He is and why a relationship with Him should matter to you. We want you to know Him today. 

Who is Jesus?

The Bible tells us that the first man and woman ever created, Adam and Eve, chose to disobey God and His Word. Because of that decision, they both fell into sin and were separated from God and His holiness. This decision affected not only them but also every human born after them. The Bible says their sin was passed down by birth. This means that at birth, each of us is guilty of sin before God. That fact alone makes it impossible for any of us to go to heaven unless our sins are paid for and taken away.

This is where Jesus comes in. Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the FREE gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” God, rich in mercy and love, sent His only Son, Jesus, to die for us on the cross. By His death and blood, our sins are covered, and we are no longer required to pay for them. This forgiveness is a gift. All we have to do is believe Jesus died for our sins, confess we are sinners, ask Jesus to forgive us, and then receive Him as our Lord and Savior. The Bible says if we do that, we will not only be forgiven but also be born again in the spirit and have access to heaven.

“Jesus, Please Forgive Me Of My Sins. I Believe You Died For Me. I Turn From My Sins And Give My Life To You.”​


Now that you know Him, what’s next? Jesus doesn’t just want you to know of Him, He wants you to have a relationship with Him. Here are some ways you can do that.


We are beyond blessed that God has preserved His words for us in the Bible. The scriptures help us to understand who God is, what He has done, and what He still has planned for the world. Start your day by reading from the Word of God to set your mind on Him and the truth.


One of the best ways to know the Lord is to pray. Prayer is simply talking to the Lord, praising Him, and lifting our needs in faith. Whether we pray out loud, in our hearts, through worship, or with others, worshiping the Lord is necessary for our growth as believers.


Our enemy, the devil, seeks to separate and destroy God’s people. But the Lord has established His church to strengthen, encourage, and equip His saints for every battle. So join our fellowship of believers as we gather to worship, pray, and learn from God’s Word.


Here are some practical steps you can take to begin living life as a believer in Christ Jesus.

Read God's Word

Start with the gospel of John. Make reading God’s Word part of your morning. After John finishes the New Testament. Then, read through the Old Testament.

Join a Church

The Bible says that as believers, we are part of His larger family now. That’s what the church is! Join a local church and come visit us if you’re in the area.


Prayer is how we communicate with God. Begin lifting up praise, thanksgiving, confession of sins, and your needs to the Lord in prayer.

Start Serving

Start with the gospel of John. Make reading God’s Word part of your morning. After John finishes the New Testament. Then, read through the Old Testament.


The Bible says that as believers, we are part of His larger family now. That’s what the church is! Join a local church and come visit us if you’re in the area.

Get Plugged In

Prayer is how we communicate with God. Begin lifting up praise, thanksgiving, confession of sins, and your needs to the Lord in prayer.